Thursday, 21 March 2019

Traditional Crafts in the Loire Valley

Because the Loire Valley has a lot of low lying flood prone fields, in many places it has historically been a struggle to make a living from the land. One solution which was encouraged by the medieval kings was growing hemp, used for sails and rope to equip the navy. Later, in the 19th century, willow was grown to produce withies for wicker work. Whilst the hemp industry has faded away, basket making continues in a few places. Using a local guide like us means that you will not miss out on the more obscure history like this.

Photographed by Susan, private guide from Loire Valley Time Travel. Tour the Loire in a classic car.

To enquire about our private guided tours of chateaux, wineries, markets and more email us or use our contact form. More tour ideas can be found on the Loire Valley Time Travel website.