So far 2012 has been an excellent year for us: we have met many interesting people from all over the world, some of them being kind enough to write about their experiences on
Unfortunately, being busy means we have had to disappoint some of the people who have contacted us as we already had bookings for the dates they were looking at. We have a policy at Loire Valley Time Travel of not accepting bookings for every day of the week: this keeps both of us and Célestine fresh and in good condition to make your day with us special for everyone involved.
Put yourself in this picture

We have also encountered the situation where people have contacted us regarding tours for two days, then not been able to find accommodation in the area. This was most noticeable with enquiries made for May and August.
The solution to both these issues is to book early. As a reward for helping us plan our year, all 2013 tours booked and paid for before the end of March 2013 are available at 2012 prices.
You don't need to wait until 2013, though: we do still have dates available for the rest of 2012, so please do not hesitate to contact us via our
email or the telephone: you can call us on our US number +1
(860) 484-7744, UK +44 (020) 3286 7743
or our Australian number +61 (02) 6100 7744.